Thursday, October 21, 2010

Paranormal Films

Paranormal Activity. by Suicide Lolita

Recognizing the signs of paranormal activity is the most important step in solving the problems caused by unknown entities. Each case is different, and your experience is likely to differ from that of his neighbor or friend. There are some common activities that paranormal investigators and researchers believe that the indicators of present or future of paranormal activity. # 1. Phantom sounds can take the form of voices, music or repetitive noises that occur at regular intervals. The characteristic sound of footsteps at night, laughing, crying or music that occur at regular intervals are attributed to a residual haunting. Smart or inhuman spirits can create sounds to attract attention or to communicate with you in some way. You can experience the sounds of beatings, burning or scratching on the wall or strong locks and strike without an identifiable cause. Each is characteristic of certain types of ghosts. # 2. Phantom odors can indicate the presence of a spirit. The odors may accompany a residual haunting, often presented as the perfume used by the late developer. The aroma of a cigarette or other odors associated with the deceased may suddenly appear at certain times or in certain places. Inhuman spirits can emit an unpleasant odor, before or during a demonstration. # 3. cold spots for no reason often accompany physical phantoms. The theory is that spirits need energy to manifest and draw energy from the environment, leading to a cooler area than the surrounding air as much as 20 to 40 degrees. The cold spot rarely stays in one area for an extended period and may precede a rally or other paranormal activity. # 4. Unusual physical sensations can be a sign of paranormal activity. Dizziness, lightheadedness, tightness or pressure in chest, nausea or suddenly can become overwhelming when the spirit is present. Other physical sensations include a feeling of being touched, the sensation of being watched, the creeps detention or extreme. # 5. Electrical interference may occur either during or before the paranormal activity. The lights are flashing or not, radios and televisions can suddenly turn on and off appliances and you can start your own. Rings may sound in his spare time, often suddenly batteries drain and equipment such as cameras and recorders can not resume work only later, as if it never happened. # 6. physical manipulation of objects is often one of the most frightening signs of paranormal activity. Doors and windows can suddenly slam (even when there is this project), cabinets open and close without cause and objects can be launched from its original position and the earth in half of cases poltergeist or ghost floor.In treatment, can move furniture, pictures on the wall can be changed and items can be stacked or piled up in unusual places like the center of the plant. In less serious cases, common objects like keys, books or the remote control can disappear and reappear elsewhere. -----# 7. demonstrations of full body (or appearances) of a spirit or entity in a recognizable form are the hallmarks of paranormal activity. For many, these may be the first or only. Because it is difficult to rule out or due to other causes, a person who observes a demonstration is usually convinced that what you see is real.Manifestations may take the form of a human, animal or unknown beast that may or may not be aware of their existence. In the case of residual ghost image has been printed on the environment, usually due to a traumatic or emotionally charged, and repeats at regular intervals if they are present or not. This ghost can appear as a loved one, leading observers to believe that their loved one is visiting. The residual ghost can not interact with you and is not aware of its ghosts presence.Intelligent can occur any time in its attempt to communicate with you in some way. intelligent spirits are believed to be the spirits of those who died with unfinished business to attend to in the land. They may be confused souls who are unaware of their passage or know how to leave this plane and go to the next. ghosts intelligent human can get help to complete tasks or simply to find their way light.Inhuman spirits may take the form of animals or creatures appear as hell. These spirits never existed as human beings, and generally angry or destructive as they try to scare you. It is relatively rare, but these spirits have the power to inflict harm on humans.Shadows is believed to be caused by spirits who do not have enough energy to fully manifest. These fleeting images may be lurking in the corners or near the cabinets, or may be free floating. The man in the shade or shadow feature seen skulking in dark areas has been reported by many. If man is the result of disturbing human shadow is uncertain, but some theories suggest it is from another dimension or even alien.If you or someone you know is experiencing signs of paranormal activity, the first step is to determine whether are other possible causes of the phenomenon. To investigate the presence of natural causes in search of the shadows, lights and sounds. Check doors and windows to see if they open in response to air currents or domestic activity. A vibration dryer in the room next door can cause dishes to rattle or fall images. The lights of passing cars or pedestrians crossing in front of a lamppost, can cast shadows that seem unusual move by themselves. The flashing lights and electrical disturbances may be the result of faulty wiring. Remove all known sources before jumping to the conclusion that what we are experiencing is a paranormal event.Jason Hawes. Know your ghosts: Johnson Haunt.Carl residual. The three basic types of HauntingsJason Hawes, Grant Wilson and Michael Spirits Friedman.Seeking January: The Lost Cases of the Atlantic Paranormal Society. 2009

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